Friday, June 1, 2007


Well loyal reader, tomorrow is when the adventure begins. Sure moving is interesting and all that, but I seek greater thrills and adventures. So, I am going to Thailand, tomorrow. While I am in Thailand and for all Thai related adventures please Lisa's blog which holds a spot in the ever-coveted section called "hip spots". Lisa will be my fellow adventurer in this trip and she will also be the only one of the two of us bringing along a laptop. So from this point on the adventrue begins and have a look at Lisa's blog for updates, pictures and all of our adventures!


Timothy Braun said...



Is there anybody home?

Why don't you post on your blog anymore?

Anyway, nice to have you back home in S'toon.

Lisa Sawatzky said...

Yeah, where did she go? Heather?

Lisa Sawatzky said...


I'm thinking of taking you off my list of blogs to check. Where did you go? It's been stuck in May forever!

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