Monday, April 30, 2007

And now ladies and gentlemen, a word from our sponsor...

Welcome to my first blog posting. Excitement wells up inside of me as I have finally come to this, my blog ribbon cutting ceremony. There are so many things to be thankful for on this joyous day. I would like to thank all of the people who where so instrumental in bringing me to this place. First there are all of the dedicated bloggers whom I know. You are an 
inspiration to us all, and especially to me as I embark upon this blogging journey. Then there are the amazing few who have been so influential with good old fashioned peer pressure. For this I would especially like to thank Lisa for those words that are so dear to my heart; "Ya, do it!" and Tim for his wise words; "And Heather you can't live vicariously through Lisa's blog. You must start one of your own". All of these things and the internal need to keep up with whats hip, has brought me to this place.  A place of dignity, and of achievement... and of putting down your 
thoughts and happenings on the internet so other people can read them.
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