Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Folks Call it a Hoax - Annual Post

University degrees are like some type of fungus. The type of fungus that first covers all possible surface area and then, for lack of anywhere else to grow, grows on top of itself. Though many university degrees are based on very valid subject areas, such as chemistry, or linguistics say, other degrees seem to have been developed ad hoc (to use university-speak). Examples are always enlightening so let me provide one: I recently took an anthropology class that explored methods of anthropological theory in the last couple of centuries. The more I learned about the different methods of anthropology the more I came to suspect that perhaps anthropology does not have an underlying structure. Let me explain. We in linguistics refer to 'underlying structure' and 'surface representation'. The underlying structure is the form of the word or grammar or whatever that exists as a sort of theoretical concept that we exploit when using language (language proper, not that kind of language, although it works for that type as well). The surface representation is the form that shows up when we actually use the underlying representation. All of this is really just fancy terms for theories based on observations of natural phenomena. OKAY SO, back to anthropology. As I studied it I soon felt sure that there can never be a concrete and definitive way to do anthropology because there is no underlying structure! Maybe I am relying too much on linguistic theory for this analogy, but it got me to thinking that maybe anthropology is all a hoax. As I relayed this theory to Kara she told me of how she thought that there is no practical difference between a Physiology and an Anatomy and Cell Biology degree. Two degrees which are essentially they same, but which are separated for some reason. Perhaps to look better because of more degree offering or maybe because two nit-picky individuals couldn't get agree on one small part of the one degree so they created two so that they wouldn't have to work together. Kara also said that she was suspicious about Physics as well. I then told her that just because you don't like it doesn't mean its a hoax. Maybe when it comes to anthropology I should listen to my own advice.
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