Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In pursuit of the mysterious thing commonly known as "a job"

I think if there was a contest to see who wrote the longest blog titles, I would win. I put it to you, my reader, to find another person who uses ridiculously long sentances where two words would suffice. For instance, this blog I could have called "Job hunting" or "job search".
Enough dilly dally, though, lets get down to the point. As many of my readers may know, I moved to Calgary last weekend (Ap 29th), and seeing as my options for thriving were getting a job or being a bum on the street, I decided to be a bum on the street. No, no I didn't. I had to get a job. So with high hopes in the legendary Calgarian salaries and general desperation for workers, I began my search. I can't find a way for this next part to sound interesting, so here is the jist of it; I've been on the job hunt for the last 3 days. The good news is that I managed to get a job, actually 2 and maybe after my next interview 3. Then comes the hard part, turning down one of the jobs, which I am not
 exactly looking forward to... However these things must be done. The right 
way is rarely ever the path of least resistance, or something like that.
Okay folks until next time keep fit and have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.

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