Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hold on to your hats folks, its rant time!

As the benevolent sort of person I am, I like to cater to the wishes of my adoring public. This composition is for to Tim for suggesting that I write a rant about all the things that bother me about Calgary. 
So here goes...
5. Calgary sucks because there is a Starbucks on every corner which makes 
you want to go there every time you drive by
4. Calgary sucks because there are a ton of great stores which coerce me into spending money
3. Calgary sucks because there are many unfriendly people who honk at me when I am driving bad. Maybe they are just saying hello...
2. Calgary sucks because I got three job offers in three days and now have to turn one down.
1. And most of all, Calgary sucks because my best friend lives here and won't leave my room!
Okay, so maybe those comments dont prove my point, but Calgary is really awful, really!...


Lisa Sawatzky said...

What are you talking about?!! You're the one who never leaves MY room!!

Tim and Annalisa Sawatzky said...

Maybe you shouldn't turn down the third job! It sounds like you're going to be spending a lot of money soon.

PS. That pesky Lisa - always medaling. Watch out, she'll turn you into a Tupperware lady too. Oh wait, then she would have competition, no, on second thought, you're probably safe on that one.

Michael and Sharlene McDonald said...

Wow, we made hip spots too!

This may be a surprise to most, but I've never really been called "hip" or "cool" before...

my wife says that I was born 40 years old...

Oh yeah... I'm hip...

Anonymous said...

Great blog it is May 11 and how is Calgary?

Your loving Mom

P.S. Can't wait to see you!

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