Thursday, May 17, 2007

Welcome, the meeting of the blog will now come to order...

Hello there readers, its been a while. In keeping with good parlimentary procedure (as I always strive to do) I would like to first discuss "old buisness". Lets start with last weekend when I went home. I quit my one job because they made me work on the weekend and I wanted to go home. No thats not actually the reason I quit, really I just didnt like it. But it was rather convenient really. It was a really good weekend; we celebrated mothers day and my moms birthday 
and I got to see my family and witness my dad get Nicolaas's kite stuck in a tree. Yep, those were good days. Now to the next order of buisness. This one encompasses most of the rest of my life. My job. Like I said, I quit my one job that I had, and before that, another job. And no, I have not often been praised for my stick-to-itivness. What does "iv" stand for in that last word? Is "iv" some kind of popular suffix phenomona that I missed out on? Never mind. The point is, I only have one job now, and it is at Le Chateau. Its a really good job and I really like it. At 
Le Chateau we have highly intelligent conversation such as;
Style Specialist 1: "This is really cute!"
Style Specialist 2: "Ya, for sure"
S.S. 1: "Do you think its a shirt or a skirt (either shirt or skirt could be subsituted with "dress" here if the reader so chooses)
S.S. 2: "I dont really know, I think it could be either."
S.S 1: "Ya your right"
See what did I tell you. Higher education is hardly necessisary with this sort of discussion taking place in order to expand ones mind. Okay, okay, so I may make fun of the clothing store job, but I really do like it. It is a nice change from school and the hours go fast.
I dont think that there is any new buisness to discuss, so I move that this blog is adjourned.
Motion passed, blog adjourned!


Lisa Sawatzky said...

Heather, your comment on higher education was well punctuated with the word "necessisary". Something didn't seem right with it to me. But maybe I'm just out to lunch.

Only 15 more days! Sweet chili peppers, I'm excited!!

Lisa Sawatzky said...

(in rap style)
Heather you're so HOT!
Heather you're so COOL!
Heather you're the very best,
'cause, Heather you do RULE!

Wigga wigga wigga...

Lisa Sawatzky said...

I think I'm going to try for the most comments on one page. In fact, each comment could have just one word...hmmmm...

Lisa Sawatzky said...

Look at my pretty picture!

heather said...

I cant believe that I just wrote "necessisary" in my blog. The pull of non-education is sucking my under.

Juanita said...

I thought you wrote necessisary on purpose to make a funny! If you wouldn't have confessed I would have never known.
If I don't comment again before you leave for Thailand...Have a FABULOUS time. We'll be thinking about you and praying for you!

heather said...

I also cant believe that I commented on my blog regarding bad spelling and then I said that no education was "pulling my under". I cant win.

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